Recipe 22
Corn Patties
2 c. corn
2 c. rolled crackers- (fine)
1 t. baking powder in crackers
1 unbeaten egg
1 t. salt
Stir together. Fry in fat by tablespoon. Brown on both sides.
-Mrs. A L. Willson
As I look through the recipes, I like finding ones like this that I have never eaten and never really heard of before. Lately I have been trying to stay away from deep fried anything, but this sounds like a good side dish, easy and very little ingredients. Maybe serve it with fish or chicken.
When my Grandma had us over for dinner she made hamburgers or chicken or both. She raised a bit of a picky eater, my Dad, just like I have raised my picker eaters. Sometimes you get to the point where you just keep making the things that you know they like, then the meal does not go to waste, and its something that everyone likes.
love, krissy girl