Thursday, October 31, 2013

24 hour salad

Recipe 4
24 Hour Salad
4 eggs yolks
1/2 c. sugar
juice of 2 lemons strained
1 pt. whipping cream
1 no. 2 1/2 can white cherries
1 lb. marshmallows (cut up)
1 no. 2 can pineapple (sliced)

Mix together egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice, cook, stirring constantly till thick. Cool, add whipped cream and add all the rest. Let stand 12-24 hours. Top with cherries.
Serves 16-20 large portions

This recipe card was well used and worn. Can't say I am big fan of fruit salad, especially with raw egg yolks in it #%@!, but I know that is something that is served a lot back then and still today. It's an easy dessert, and easy to bring to someone's house. I do like that this one is simple, just pineapple. I would have thought it would have included mandarin oranges...she always had those on hand!

My other grandma Veronica made this a lot as well. It is so 60's and 70's !! Can't you just see the table....chicken, potato salad and fruit salad!

love, krissy girl

1 comment:

  1. What a blast from the past. I did not like this "salad" at all...strong dislike of marshmallows in a salad...even as a kid. I bet she did throw some "mandarian" oranges in there...she couldn't resist that. H.
